- Basel II Accord 允許數種方法來量話 operational risk,LDA 為其中之一。
- LDA 亦可用於計算 economic capital needed for unexpected operational risk losses.
- Organize and group loss data into a business line/event type matrix.
(Loss data is "backward-looking")
- Assign every data point in the matrix an equal weight with exceptions.
- Modeling operational risk loss distirbution in each cell, including
- frequency
- severity.
- Determine operational risk capital requirement for each business line.
- Loss estimates 考慮機構特性
- 依據數學及統計原則
- 可與其他 capital charge 合併
- 反映 loss estimate 可隨時間改變
- 需要大量的資料,但通常有困難
- 是根據過去經驗
- 只有 direct losses 被列入考量
- 缺乏 robust operational risk sensitivity measure
- 所有相關資料都要採用
- 只反映 inflation
- 使用 gross losses
- 要 mapped to 目前的組織架構
- 外幣損失金融換成本幣
- 減少 double counting 的可能性
- 一般是每個資料都等權值,但有三例外
- Split losses
- Old losses (會分配較低的權重)
- External data and scenarios
- 通常用
- Poisson distribution
- Negative binomial distribution
- Binomial distribution
- Calibration 用 time serires of internal frequency data
- 問題 : 近期的 internal data 資料不足以用來 calibrating tails of severity distributions
- Within-cell dependencies (frequency 和 severity 通常是獨立的)
- Occurence of loss events
- Frequency distribution and severity distribution
- Severity samples in a cell
- Between-cell dependencies
- frequency distribution between cells (通常是 dependent)
- severity distribution between cells
- 目的:吸收 unexpected losses with a high degree certainty
- degree of certainty : depends on credit rating
- economic capital = (operational value at risk) - (expected loss) = unexpected loss
- Review 的項目含
- data inputs
- model methodology: (assumed frequencies, severities, dependence structure)
- model outputs
- Sensitivity analysis
- 對 frequency insensitive
- 對 severity distribution 比較重要
- Stress testing